Tuesday, September 22, 2009

RCD Oak Tree Morality Program for 91916 Residents

According to The Alpine Sun, the Resource Conservation District (RCD) has a new program called D3 (Dead, Dying, Diseased) Oak Tree Mortality and Fuels Reduction Program (yes, a mouthful, but worthwhile).

Right now, the Golden Spot Oak Borer (GSOP) is the major threat to Descanso (and southern California) oak trees. The Sun said that the GSOP has resulted in "an 85 to 90 percent mortality rate in the Sherilton Valley/Descanso area alone."

People in the 91916 zip code region, west of the 79 corridor, can have dead, dying or diseased trees removed from their property free of charge through the RCD, with help from a federal grant. There are strict guidelines, however.

For complete details and more information, visit http://www.rcdsandiego.org, or call 619-562-0096.

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